Pengaruh Fase Bulan Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Dengan Alat Tangkap Bagan Perahu di Perairan Samasoge Kecamatan Wotan Ulumado Kabupaten Flores Timur

  • Alexander, Siti Halija, Sari Hauliah A. Koda Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang
Keywords: Lift net; Moon phase; Samasoge waters


This research was carried out in Samasoge waters of Month of Juni until Year Month of July 2021 one aims to know moon age influence to hauls on tool catches lift net of waters Samasoge, Wotan Ulumado District, East Flores Regency. Observational method that is utilized is cuantitatyf description method where researcher gather primary data by abreast be down directly at location observationaling to follows operate for arrest with tool catches lift net of waters Samasoge District, East Flores Regency. Analysis that is utilized in this research is by use of Agglomerate Random Design (RACK). Base that analysis result on real level 5% (0,05), Fcount (1,36) < Ftable(3,16) and reality level 1% (0,01), Fcount (1,36) < Ftable (5,09) therefore H0accepted. So there is no, effect of the moon phase on the catch of fhis using a lift net gear in the waters of Samasoge,Wotan Ulumado District, East Flores Regency.
