Pengaruh Umur Bulan Terhadap Ketersediaan Umpan Hidup Pada Alat Tangkap Pole And Line Di Perairan Larantuka Kabupaten Flores Timur
This study aims to find out the phase of the moon on the catch on pole and line fishing gear in the waters of Larantuka East Flores Regency. The method used in this study is Observation, and as many data obtained are Primer data and Sekunder and using the T-Student Test using Mic.Exel. The results showed a noticeable difference between the number of baits and the number of pole and line captures in the dark moon phase, and the light moon phase, which based on the T-Student test analysis showed aT-Count value greater than theT-Tablevalue. Based on thet-count analysis test using Mic.Exel. The calculationp of the value t-calculated amounted to 5.534 and t-Table 2,262. Thus it can be concluded t-calculate 5,534 > t-table 2,262 or H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means that there is an effect of the phase of the moon on the availability of live bait in the waters of East Flores. There is a dark moonphase, the number of baits 1900 tails and the number of catches in 1912 tails with an average feed value of 190 tails and an average yield of 191.2 tails.. As for the bright moon phase is the number of baits 800 tails and the number of catches 1058 tails with an average value of 80 baits while the average number of catches 105.8 tails.