• Abubakar Sidiq M.Hasbi MTs Plus Nurul Iman
Keywords: Sequence, Sequence of Weak Convergent, Dual Space


We have the sequence , where  a norm space. We have a dual space   too is the collection of linier and continous functional from norm space  into riil number system . If for all the sequence  convergent to    and    then   convergent to . The converse of this implication is not applicable . This study aims to explain the properties that apply to the ranks of the weak convergent and explain the relationship between the strong convergent sequence and the weak convergent sequence. From several reference sources then through the review process obtained weak nature of singularity limit sequence  and relationship between the strong convergent sequence and the weak convergent sequence that if  the sequence  is strong convergent therefore the sequence it weak convergent. 


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How to Cite
M.Hasbi, A. S. (2022). KAJIAN KEKONVERGENAN LEMAH DI RUANG HILBERT. MEGA: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika , 3(1), 362-370. https://doi.org/10.59098/mega.v3i1.677