• Naila Nur ‘Azizah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Meysihinur Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Miftah Aziza Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Keywords: Evaluation, Policy, Education


This paper explains several things related to the evaluation of educational policies. This
study used a qualitative research approach with a type of library (library research).
Sources of data taken in this study are scientific journals and articles that support and are
relevant to the title of this paper. A process of implementing education policy is
inseparable from the need to get special attention. The elements in it have several
deficiencies that need improvement. Starting from legitimacy, formulation, and its
implementation in society. Therefore it is necessary to do an evaluation in order to avoid
failure in educational policies. Evaluation of educational policies serves to measure how
much the quality of spending on a policy is and provides input to the parties involved. The
purpose of writing this paper is to know the meaning of educational policy evaluation, the
objectives and functions of educational policy evaluation, as well as models and
approaches in evaluating educational policies.
