Pengaruh Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Nusa Tenggara Timur

  • Rahmat Laan Program Studi Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang
  • Hanifa Djakaria Program Studi Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang
  • Abdul Malik Hasyim Program Studi Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang
Keywords: work attitude, work behavior, performance


This study aims to analyze the influence of work culture on employee
performance at PT Jasa Raharja, East Nusa Tenggara Branch both
simultaneously and partially. The number of samples is 30 people,
with saturated sample technique. The main instrument of data
collection is a questionnaire. Data analysis method. using multiple
regression techniques. The results showed that attitudes towards
work and behavior while working together had a significant effect on
employee performance. Attitudes toward work and behavior at the
time also partially have a significant effect on performance.
