Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Lulusan Siswa SMK Sadar Wisata Ruteng-Nusa Tenggara Timur

  • Leonardus W.Dino Setiawan STIE Karya Ruteng
  • Petrus Herson Hadun STIE Karya Ruteng
Keywords: Leaders, motivators, teachers, student competencies


Background.The teacher's role as a leader and motivator in the
teaching and learning process can stimulate students to increase
their competency according to the K-13 curriculum. The mastery of
competencies in each subject is measured by the graduation of
students at final exam. The graduation accumulation is reflected in
the graduation presentation of each educational institution. Purpose.
The study analyzed the effect of leadership and learning motivation
on increasing student graduation at High School of Sadar Wisata in
2018/2019. Method. Using survey-cross sectional method. The
research population of graduates in 2018/2019 was 256 people. The
sample of 60 people with purporsif sampling technique. Duration of
study: During June-July 2019. Research location, High School of
Sadar Wisata Ruteng. Results. Leadership has a significant effect on
the percentage of student graduation (α = 0.002; <0.05), also
motivation to learn has a significant effect (α=0.00; <0.05) on the
percentage of student graduation. If the dominance of the influence
of the two independent variables is examined, it is found that the
variable of learning motivation (β = .441) is more dominant than the
leadership variable (β = .388). Conclusion. Teachers as leaders and
motivators are needed by students in the learning process. As a
leader a teacher guides students to follow the learning process
carefully, as motivator the teacher moves students to carry out
activities in the learning process to accumulate on the achievement of
student competencies. Competency mastery is indicated through
students' graduation at final examination.
