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Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui kualitas media Puzzle Berbasis Make a Match Materi Menentukan Ide Pokok Paragraf Kelas 3. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan mengadopsi metode 4-D, tetapi penelitian hanya melakukan 3 tahapan, yakni: tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), dan pengembangan (develop). Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunnjukkan bahwa media Puzzle Berbasis Make a Match Materi Menentukan Ide Pokok Paragraf Kelas 3 memenuhi indikator kevalidan, yaitu a) hasil validasi dari validator ahli media memperoleh presentase sebesar 93,75% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat valid. b) hasil validasi ahli materi presentase sebesar 95,85% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat valid. c) respon dari peserta didik mendapat nilai rata-rata presentasi sebesar 93,1% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat baik. dan d) hasil belajar peserta didik mendapat nilai rata-rata presentase sebesar 100% termasuk dalam kriteria tuntas. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka media pembelajaran dan materi yang termuat dalam media yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.

Abstract: This study aims to develop and determine the quality of the Make a Match Puzzle-Based Media Material Determining the Main Idea of ​​Paragraph Class 3. This type of research is research and development by adopting the 4-D method, but the research only does 3 stages, namely: the defining stage. , stages of design (design), and development (develop). The results of the research that have been carried out show that the puzzle media based on Make a Match Material Determining the Main Idea of ​​Paragraph Class 3 meets the validity indicators, namely a) the validation results from the media expert validator get a percentage of 93.75% including very valid criteria. b) the results of expert validation of the material, the percentage of 95.85% is included in the very valid criteria. c) the response from the students got an average presentation score of 93.1% which was included in the very good criteria. and d) student learning outcomes get an average percentage value of 100% including the complete criteria. Based on this description, the learning media and materials contained in the media developed by researchers can be used in the learning process.


media pembelajaran; puzzle berbasis make a match; ide pokok

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How to Cite
Rusanti, F., Khoirul Umam, N., & Wahyuning Subayani, N. (2022). PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PUZZLE BERBASIS MAKE A MATCH MATERI MENENTUKAN IDE POKOK PARAGRAF KELAS 3. Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Flobamorata , 3(2), 344-352.